About twelve years ago I took a course of sermons on our Lord’s Glorious Appearing. The folk at Rye Lane Chapel were deeply interested. The truth gripped their hearts, and there were a number who asked that they might be put into permanent form. This was done, and it has been a matter of deep gratitude to God that not infrequently one has heard of blessing through that book. Back in August last, before the Munich crisis, as I was waiting on God concerning the winter’s testimony it was strongly laid upon my heart that it was His will that the testimony should be repeated, and a series of sermons was therefore arranged. The subjects at once attracted attention. Not in recent years have we had larger congregations. That, of course, is no evidence of Divine favour, although it does shew that the Lord’s people are deeply interested in the subject. But I think we may confidently add that we were truly conscious of the presence of the Spirit in our midst, and during the course of the series souls were saved, baptisms were held, and the spirit of prayer deepened in our midst.

Once again, the subjects taken are being put into print. Each chapter formed the subject of a sermon, but each has been entirely re-written and is not now exactly as it was preached. There have been several additions, which those who heard the word preached will possibly notice. I take this opportunity of expressing my thanks to God for the gracious privilege He has vouchsafed to me in permitting me to minister to such a people as we have at Rye Lane. Amongst them are mighty intercessors, men and women who know how to lay hold of God in believing prayer. They upheld the testimony before it was uttered, they prevailed in prayer while it was going forth, and they watered the seed afterwards. It is no mean privilege to be the pastor of such a people. Whatever the future may hold I can declare with truth that in them my heart’s desire is being satisfied, and when the revival for which we pray comes, as it certainly will, we shall rejoice together.

Rye Lane Chapel, Peckham, London, S.E.15 March, 1939.